Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 months later

4 months later...

I’m in the boat right now and not sure what to make of this unexpected ‘how are you?’ from you. I feel good; I even have a slight smirk on my face. But then it hits me, and my minds start to work on high speed to process all these new thoughts because you are the last person I can ever think of to give me a text. 

A million apologies won't ease the pain in your heart cause I truly understand time heal all wounds, but the scars remain. Esther, I'm sorry. I'm really glad you took the initiative to text me! It’s been long since I talked to you. In fact, I miss those times where we could just talk about everything and anything. I missed you. I've always cared and there will random moments where you just pop-out in my mind. 

Anyway, I hope that you are doing well or fine by now! I am sure he treats like nobody-else and definitely a much better guy than me. All the best in your upcoming papers! 


Drake foo.

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